Supporting the Program
We recognize that we would not be able to provide children with the services they need without the help of our volunteers or donors. Learn how you can help financially support our program.
CASA of the Fourth Judicial District cannot serve children in need without YOU.
Your financial support allows our program to recruit, screen, and train community volunteers to become CASA advocates and grow the number of children we serve. These children range from all different ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and all of them are seeking hope.
These advocates work for the best interest of each child they are assigned and give them a voice throughout the court proceeding. They are dedicated to the child and assist with the children receiving prompt permanency.
According to research shared by the National CASA Association, children who receive an advocate are more likely to find safe, permanent homes, less likely to reenter the foster care system, and more likely to be successful in school.
Support Options
We offer several ways for individuals and corporations to give direct services to our children.
Donations may be in-kind or monetary. Donations may also be designated toward specific program functions or used for general operations.
Individuals and corporations can tailor a recurring gift fitting their budget. Gifts based on our sponsorship levels can provide businesses with the ability to be featured on our website along with other exposure opportunities.
Honorary Gifts
Providing a gift on behalf of an individual is a great way to recognize the work that they have done and their importance to you and the community. Honorary gifts also may be utilized to recognize an important date or event.
Memorial Gifts
Donations may be in-kind or monetary. Donations may also be designated toward specific program functions or used for general operations.
Planned Giving
Our program plans to introduce a planned giving program that can help ensure long-term sustainability for the service to our children.
Contact Us
If you are not sure how you would like to give to the program, please contact our office using the form below. In the message, write that it is a donation inquiry. We are willing to chat with you to determine a gift that fits your needs.
Acceptable Gift Policy
Our program wants to ensure that the gifts you provide are used by the children we serve and contribute to the mission.